PRO Landscape Utility Downloads
This is a fix for an ODBC driver issue which is normally caused by the install Microsoft Office or doing a WIndows update. Typically this issue will cause all programs to shut down soon after starting. To install, download the file below and save it. Once saved, open the ZIP file and double click the enclosed .reg file. If this does not fix the issue, please contact technical support.
This is a fix for an ODBC driver issue which is normally caused by the install Microsoft Office or doing a Windows update. Typically this issue will cause all programs to shut down soon after starting. To install, download the file below and save it. Once saved, open the ZIP file and double click the enclosed .reg file. If this does not fix the issue, please contact technical support.
This file will fix the Windows Register for AppPath which will enable the updates to be applied. Clicking on the link will open the file in the browser, right click on the text and SAVE the text file to the Desktop and rename it as PlannerPath.Reg. Once renamed, double click to run the file. You must have Admin rights to run the .reg file.
Contact support for proper configuration.
Special downloads for v21 users.
Contact Tech Support for install instructions.
Crystal Reports Runtime 11 Installer
Extract files to C:/PROGRAM FILES (x86)/Drafix/PRO Landscape/ folder
Visual C++ Runtimes 2012
The following utilities are intended for schools using a site license.
3D Editor
V20 Wall video
This is a replacement Planner executable file which is entend for users currently running version 22. It will conflict with any other version of PRO Landscape.
For version 23 user only.
Updater for version 23 users. To be ran in special cases by support personnel.
Original Version 23 Symbol Libraries