If you haven’t tried it by now, take the PRO Landscape Companion App for a spin. We are hearing lots of success stories with the tablet apps. The PRO Landscape Companion Apps are available for current PRO Landscape software users running versions 18 or higher. The apps are now available for both Android and iPad tablets. Check out a demo of the apps on our YouTube Channel. If you like what you see, remember to rate the apps on the AppStore or GooglePlay. For users running PRO Landscape versions 17 and lower, you can try out a similar app in the AppStore or GooglePlay called “PRO Landscape Contractor”. This app has a working trial of the app which contains a sample images to try out the app. If you decide you like the app, you can either subscribe month by month to the PRO Landscape Contactor app or upgrade your PRO Landscape software to the latest version and get the PRO Landscape Companion App at no additional charge.