Many users have found that adding their commonly used plant symbols and images to their Favorites can save them a considerable amount of time. If working on more than one system there is a couple easy methods to share your Favorites so that both systems’ Favorites are the same.
The first method is to use the Database Export Utility found in Proposal program. Note there is a video tutorial which demonstrates this utiliy. Besides moving Favorites over to the secondary system the utility also moves over pricing, symbol changes, newly cutout images, company information, customer lists as well as the customer quotes. Essentially, the utility copies the database and symbol library from one ‘master system’ to the secondary ‘slave’ system.
The second method is to open Image Editor and start a blank project. On the project, pull in one of each of the images from your Favorites. Once you have all of the favorites on the project and save it as a PLP project file. Now, copy the PLP project file to a flash drive or network drive. Connect the secondary system to the drive and open the PLP file on the secondary system. To add the items on the plan to your Favorites, right click on each of them and select Add to Favorites. You will need to create subfolder within Favorites.
Note: The first method using the Database Export Utility was added in version 15. Version 21 users can also accomplish the second method in Planner.